Yes, it’s the little things that make us smile.
For some, it’s a fabulous new ink pad. For others, it’s a sunny Spring Day.
For me, it’s a snappy new website that is easy to navigate and keep track of orders
To each his own, right?
For me, my happiness has happened. And, I’m sharing it with you. We’ve moved our website to a new platform and taken all our past orders and accounts with us. If you are a past customer (even if you’ve partaken of our FREE files) you should have received and invitation to activate your account at our new website. This is a ONE time email we sent out to all our customers. We didn’t add you to a marketing list unless you subscribed to join, and you can unsubscribe at anytime by going to the bottom of the next email you get and clicking unsubscribe.
But, I hope you won’t, we’ve got lots of things coming that will make you smile